
Everyone can make a difference

Casa Guatemala is a group of dedicated individuals and volunteers striving to make a difference. Casa Guatemala currently supports more than 300 children. We're able to provide this care thanks to the generous contribution of 20 teachers, 20 employees, and approximately 20 international volunteers. We also have affiliate, registered charities in Canada and the US that help to collect the funds needed to operate this large organization.

2018 Top-rated nonprofit

Casa Guatemala has been recognized as a Top-Rated Great Non-Profit for 2018. This honor is awarded based on user reviews and ratings from volunteers, donors, board members, and partners.

We couldn’t do what we do without you, and we’re excited to keep generating positive experiences not only for the children whose lives we touch, but also all the people like you who make it possible.

Visit our page on the Great Nonprofit site to learn more, to provide your own review, and to read comments from others.

Meet our team
Join our team

We are extremely happy to have such a professional and dedicated team to take on the responsibility of overseeing Casa Guatemala.

Angelina de Galdamez : Founder

Angelina founded and lead Casa Guatemala from 1977 to 2014 in which time she was able to create the Children’s village that attended to the needs of hundreds of vulnerable children from around Guatemala. She was a visionary leader who built the Hotel Backpackers for the older children to gain valuable life skills and job training. She has been an exemplary role model for the generations of children who have loved her and looked up to her like a mother.

Heather Graham : Executive Director
Heather Graham has a degree in nonprofit management and has lead the organization since 2014 when our founder retired. She was a long term volunteer from 2001 to 2004 and then returned full-time in 2010. She works with the boards of directors for our affiliate charities in the USA and Canada to raise the funds needed to run Casa Guatemala and Hotel Backpackers each year.

Elmer Ramos : Treasurer
Elmer grew up at Casa Guatemala and is also the director of administration for the organization, overseeing all legal and government regulations that the organization adheres to.

Ing. Antonio Minondo : Vice President

Antonio comes to us with extensive board experience and as the representative of PERENCO, our largest corporate sponsor.

Dr. Axel Satuye Mena : Secretary
Axel grew up at Casa Guatemala and now acts as the organization’s Secretary. He is now a doctor.

Ing. Otto Zacarias : Board Member
Otto is an engineer who has long been involved with Casa Guatemala and comes to us with extensive board governance experience.

Armando Milla : Head of Maintenance and Transportation/ Board Member
Armando has been working with Casa Guatemala since 1994 and is charge of the maintenance, agriculture, and transportation onsite. He leads the maintenance staff in all our construction projects and ensures that our equipment, vehicles and buildings are in safe working order.

Lilian Duarte Cappa : Project Director/ Board Member

Lily has worked with Casa Guatemala since 2000, first as a teacher and is now the director of our school as well as the overall project. She sees to the day to day life at Casa Guatemala and is an exemplary leader to the staff and children.

Cecia Sucup : Boarding Program Supervisor

Cecia is training to be a social worker in University on the weekends which makes her a great leader of our onsite living program for the children who live at Casa Guatemala during the school year. She oversees the house supervisors and their work with the children’s physical, emotional and intelectual development outside of the classroom.

Andrea Morales : Clinic Supervisor

Andrea is our onsite nurse who sees to the children and staff for any primary health care needs on a daily basis. She also attends to the mothers and children who come to our clinic from the surrounding villages. Part of her responsibilities includes weekly health and wellness workshops with the children.